The 9 Acknowledgement Languages™

Enneagram Workshop for Beginners to Intermediate Learners. *Create Genuine Connections to Build Relationships*

Instead of worrying about whether or not 
you know someone else's Personality Type 
so you can Communicate better with them...

Be more aware of the "Acknowledgement Language" they respond to and how it differs from yours...

And know EXACTLY what to do
So you can both be on the Same Page,

both feel seen and heard EVEN WHEN YOU DISAGREE!

Imagine what that would mean in both your personal and professional life.

✔ Less Stress, more Smiles
✔ More Patience
✔ Higher Productivity & Retention
✔ Making a bigger Impact on Lives

Bonuses: ⁣ ⁣

1️⃣ Workbook with the Self Assessment to discover how you feel validated ⁣ ⁣  

2️⃣ Acknowledgment Tool to highlight how yours differ from others' and create a communication strategy⁣ ⁣  

3️⃣ Lifetime access to the Communicate to Build Relationships Challenge to  give yourself a reboot whenever you need it⁣ ⁣  

4️⃣ 9 Basic Tactics to Connect better with ANY personality. ⁣ ⁣

(Total value over $450. ⁣ Only 27 Today!)⁣

Communicate with Compassion


Take the Complexity OUT of the Enneagram  by learning the One Trick that Online Assessments miss and Books fail to fully explain.


Learn what the 9 "Acknowledgement Languages" are that allows for more Compassion and Genuine Connection in your conversations, WITHOUT the Stereotyping that Divides us.


Be a more Effective Leader to others by learning the 9 Basic Tactics for Connection and become the Role Model you want to be, with more Empathy and Compassion, and without Losing Yourself!

Sneak Peek of the Course Curriculum